Friday, 21 December 2012

Watch out for Cyberstalking

Cyberstalking is becoming more and more popular now that the internet is such a popular phenomenon.  As well as this, the fact that it is so easy to hide your real self online (see this post) means that you can pretend to be anyone. You never know who you are truly talking to.
Cyberstalking is now said to be more common than physical stalking. As well as this, a study at ECHO (Electronic Communication Harassment Observation) shows that victims of cyberstalking are also more prone to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Cyberstalking is yet to be taken seriously by a large amount of people. A lot of people believe that if they are online, they can not hurt them. This is not true. A huge number of victims of cyberstalking know their stalker, and it is often a previous or current partner. Cyber stalkers work by making rumours about their victim, or saying nasty words about them online. This is often known as 'trolling'.

Facts about cyber stalking

  • Most cyber stalkers are male. 87% to be exact.
  • The primary ages to be cyber stalked are between 18 and 24.
  • 62% of victims are female.

The fact that cyberstalking is so private, means that it if often hard for police to catch a cyberstalker and prove it is them. IP addresses can be easily tracked in order to find the location of a computer, but it is harder to prove who was sitting and typing there. It is easy to suggest that someone else was at your computer. It is constantly a struggle to get rid of cyberstalking, so it is important to never speak to someone you don't know, and never befriend someone on Facebook who you do not know in real life. Cyberstalking is an important issue that needs to be raised.
Although cyberstalking is not initially physical, there is a large chance that it can be.

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