Friday, 23 November 2012

Humans and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is essentially the intelligence of robots and machines and the computer science behind it that aims to create it. I have already spoken about technology within our bodies (i.e. pacemakers and implants), but what about technology that delves deeper to inside our minds? 
As humans, our brains allow us to think constantly throughout the day, it is estimated that we have up to around 50,000 thoughts a day. But what about robots? Has technology adapted to the point that robots can have thoughts too? 

That is what computer scientist Alan Turing tried to discover, who is considered to be the father or '
artificial intelligence'. He did this by trying to see if a 'judge' could tell the difference between human and machine. If they could not see any differences, the computer passes and is considered intelligent. 

Artificial intelligence has also appeared in many different movies, for example to name just a few:

  • Terminator
  • iRobot
  • Star Wars
  • Transformers
  • Wall-E
  • The Matrix Trilogy

But what exactly is a robot?

The word robot could mean something different to every person. According to the dictionary, a robot is "a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically." 
There is no definition of a robot that satisfies everybody. Some may believe it is simply a machine and some believe it is a mechanical man or woman.
Technically robots are both. In the 21st century we now have robots that have limbs, like people, in order to move around the same way we do. They are also being blamed for lack of jobs because they are simply cheaper to use then paying wages to man. This link explains what jobs and why people are losing out to robots around the world. 

It is impossible to say what will happen in the future when it comes to robots. However, seeing as technology has developed so far and now robots are able to do a lot of tasks that humans can, artificial intelligence developing any further is questionable. Although it could happen. The next stop in artificial intelligence is giving robots emotion. This will then mean that robots can live in the real world, getting jobs, having relationships, making money, like us. It is a scary thought, and although it is unpredictable what could happen, it is certainly worth using the brain you currently have, in order to think about it.

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